30 Jun The Earl B. and Loraine H. Miller Foundation Awards Funding to 68 Area Nonprofits
(Long Beach, CA) In an unprecedented move, the Earl B. and Loraine H. Miller Foundation board unanimously approved funding for nearly 70 area nonprofits on June 18. Since 1967, annual grants have typically been awarded to 35-40 invited applicants, nonprofits with established program success rates that the foundation has selected as partners in the community. This grant cycle, however, involved an open invitation to all eligible nonprofits and agencies. Over 100 organizations expressed interest, well beyond the expectation of foundation staff and trustees. 65% of this year’s awards went to nonprofits who are new to the foundation’s annual gifting.
“This year, due to the pandemic and its devastating effects on children and families, we listened to the specific, unique needs expressed by the community. In our evaluations, we looked closely at applications, met with proposers to ask questions, and considered factors such as closing the equity divide, inclusiveness, COVID response, and sustainability plan,” says Ron Arias, Board Chair. “It was important that we look at smaller, lesser known but effective neighborhood agencies that may get passed over and lose the ability to provide a critical service to people who need it.”
“We also have expanded our education program area to include programming for children in middle and high school. With distance learning numbers showing such disparity in the ability to maintain quality education levels, we devoted funds to help kids catch up, get the help they need and also to address mental health issues resulting from COVID and loss.”
“These decisions are never easy for us,” Arias continues. “Good solid programs are sometimes not able to be funded. We wish we could give everyone a grant. However, we are committed to providing other resources to any Long Beach nonprofit, be it information on additional grant opportunities or technical assistance. We are here for any organization serving children and families in our community.”
Disbursements of funding are expected to go out to successful grantees the week of July 12.
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